How to Become a Declutter Coach

Discover the essential steps to becoming a successful declutter coach, transforming lives by guiding clients towards organized and stress-free spaces.

Are you someone who loves organizing and decluttering? Do you have a knack for helping others sort through their belongings and create a more streamlined living space? If so, have you ever considered becoming a declutter coach? As someone who has been in the business of organizing for years, I can tell you that there is a growing demand for professional organizers. In this blog post, I’ll share some tips on how to become a successful declutter coach and turn your passion into a profitable career.

So if you’re ready to take the leap and start your journey towards becoming an expert in all things organization, keep reading!

Defining Declutter Coaching

Declutter coaching

Declutter coaching is a service that helps individuals and businesses organize their living or working spaces. As a declutter coach, you will work with clients to identify areas of clutter in their homes or offices and develop strategies for organizing those spaces.

You’ll help your clients sort through belongings, decide what to keep, donate or discard items they no longer need.

As a declutter coach, you are not just helping people tidy up; you’re also providing them with the tools they need to maintain an organized space long-term. Your goal is not only to create order but also reduce stress levels by creating functional systems that make life easier.

Benefits of Decluttering

Creating organized environment.

It’s a process that can have significant benefits for both physical and mental health. As a declutter coach, you’ll be helping clients achieve these benefits by guiding them through the process of letting go of unnecessary possessions and creating an organized environment.

One major benefit of decluttering is reduced stress levels. Studies have shown that cluttered spaces can lead to increased cortisol levels, which in turn leads to higher stress levels.

By helping clients create an organized space, you’re not only reducing their physical clutter but also their mental clutter.

Another benefit is improved productivity and focus. When our surroundings are disorganized, it’s easy to become distracted or overwhelmed with tasks at hand; however when we work in clean environments free from distractions we tend to be more productive.

Decluttering also helps individuals save time by making it easier for them find what they need quickly without having to search through piles of stuff.

Required Skills & Training

Skills and training

While there are no specific educational requirements for this profession, having a background in psychology or counseling can be helpful. You’ll also need excellent communication skills to effectively guide your clients through the decluttering process.

In addition to these soft skills, it’s important to have knowledge of organizational systems and techniques. This includes understanding different types of clutter (such as sentimental items or paperwork), knowing how to categorize belongings efficiently, and being able to create customized solutions that work for each individual client.

To gain these necessary skills and knowledge, consider taking courses or workshops on professional organizing. There are many online resources available that offer training programs specifically designed for aspiring declutter coaches.

It’s also important not only just learning but practicing what you learn by working with friends/family members who may require your services at no cost initially before venturing into paid services.

Certification Programs


These programs provide you with the necessary training, knowledge, and tools to help clients achieve their organizational goals effectively. There are several certification options available for aspiring declutter coaches, including online courses and in-person workshops.

When choosing a certification program, it’s essential to consider factors such as cost, time commitment required for completion of the course or workshop series; whether there is ongoing support after completing the program; what type of accreditation or recognition comes with completing this particular course.

Once you have completed your chosen certification program successfully, you will be equipped with valuable skills that can help set yourself apart from other organizers in your area. You’ll also have access to resources like marketing materials templates that can assist in building up clientele quickly.

Building a Client Base

Engaging professional experts

One of the best ways to do this is by networking with other professionals in related fields such as real estate agents, interior designers, or home stagers. These individuals often work with clients who are looking for help organizing their homes before selling or moving.

Another effective way to build your client base is through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Create a business page where you can showcase your services and share before-and-after photos of spaces you’ve organized in the past.

Word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied clients can also be an excellent source of new business. Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on sites like Yelp or Google My Business so that others searching for decluttering services can find you more easily.

Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategy

One of the most important aspects of growing a successful declutter coaching business is marketing yourself effectively. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Social Media: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase before-and-after photos of spaces you’ve organized for clients.

2. Networking: Attend local events or join professional organizations related to organizing or small businesses in general.

3. Referrals: Encourage satisfied clients to refer their friends and family members who may also benefit from your services.

4- Collaborations & Partnerships : Partner with other professionals such as interior designers or real estate agents who can recommend you as an expert in organization when they work with their own clients.

5- Content Marketing : Create blog posts on topics related to decluttering and share them on social media channels.

Setting Pricing & Packages

Pricing and packages offer

One of the most important things to consider when pricing is the value that you bring to your clients’ lives. Remember, decluttering isn’t just about getting rid of stuff; it’s also about creating a more peaceful and organized living space.

When deciding on pricing packages, think carefully about what services you will offer and how much time each service will take. You may want to offer different levels of service at different price points so that clients can choose what works best for them.

It’s also essential to research other declutter coaches in your area or online who are offering similar services. This way, you can get an idea of what they charge and adjust accordingly based on factors such as experience level or additional offerings.

Don’t forget that marketing plays a crucial role in attracting new clients willing to pay for quality organization coaching services. Make sure potential customers understand why working with a professional organizer is worth their investment by highlighting the benefits they’ll receive from hiring someone like yourself!